About us

Our Mission

To build a strong and sensitive ecosystem of therapy and healthcare to identify children with special needs in order to help them build confidence, tackle their shortcomings, and become independent members of society.

Our Vision

To make certified & multidisciplinary Pediatric Care and Rehabilitation accessible to children from all parts of society and to ensure that children with special needs receive timely, quality healthcare & support.

Our Environment

Outdoor play is beneficial for children beyond the physical activity it provides. Outdoor play helps children grow socially, helping them to develop healthy ways of forming friendships, responding to physical interaction and using their imaginations to entertain each other. It helps them solve problems, build relationships within their peer group and gain a respect for nature. Time outdoors in good for all children but, it brings especially important benefits for children with special needs. It promotes general health, development of the senses, movement & exercise, improves strength & coordination, motor planning skills, attention, creativity, sleep and allows kids to just ‘be kids’. Keeping all this in mind, we at Happy Child Development and Rehabilitation Centre, have curated a safe, fun and sensory friendly space for your child to enjoy the great outdoors.